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Domains for Implementation

The Consortium activities are guided by the Active Implementation Frameworks developed by the National Implementation Research Network ( and adapted by the SCI Knowledge Mobilization Network (SCI KMN). For more information about these Implementation Science-based frameworks see the Guide that also outlines the experiences of the SCI KMN in implementing best practice in SCI rehabilitation.

(SCI-KMN Guide.pdf)


Implementation Science involves a systematic and intentional approach that facilitates adherence to evidence-informed steps and principles associated with good implementation practice. Some of the steps are illustrated in the accompanying diagram;


“A specified set of purposeful activities at the practice, program, and system level designed to put into place a practice, program or intervention of known dimensions with fidelity.”

Karen Blase and Dean Fixsen, 2010
National Implementation Research Network

Key Implementation Processes

  • Forming Implementation Teams

  • Understanding the Practice(s)

       Practice Profiling

  • Identifying What Needs to Be In Place to Make the Implementation Happen

      Drivers Analysis

  • Creating an Implementation Action Plan

  • Putting Your Plan In Place

      Improvement Cycles (PDSA)


PLAN: Decide what to do

DO: Do it (be sure)

STUDY: Analyze results

ACT: Make adjustments

CYCLE: Do over and over

Improvement Cycles


Why is it important to use Implementation Science?

implement image.jpg

(Institute of Medicine, 2000; 2001; 2009; New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, 2003; National Commission on Excellence in Education,1983; Department of Health and Human Services, 1999)

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