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Domains for Implementation
The Consortium activities are guided by the Active Implementation Frameworks developed by the National Implementation Research Network ( and adapted by the SCI Knowledge Mobilization Network (SCI KMN). For more information about these Implementation Science-based frameworks see the Guide that also outlines the experiences of the SCI KMN in implementing best practice in SCI rehabilitation.
Implementation Science involves a systematic and intentional approach that facilitates adherence to evidence-informed steps and principles associated with good implementation practice. Some of the steps are illustrated in the accompanying diagram;
“A specified set of purposeful activities at the practice, program, and system level designed to put into place a practice, program or intervention of known dimensions with fidelity.”
Karen Blase and Dean Fixsen, 2010
National Implementation Research Network
Key Implementation Processes
Forming Implementation Teams
Understanding the Practice(s)
Practice Profiling
Identifying What Needs to Be In Place to Make the Implementation Happen
Drivers Analysis
Creating an Implementation Action Plan
Putting Your Plan In Place
Improvement Cycles (PDSA)
PLAN: Decide what to do
DO: Do it (be sure)
STUDY: Analyze results
ACT: Make adjustments
CYCLE: Do over and over
Improvement Cycles
Why is it important to use Implementation Science?
(Institute of Medicine, 2000; 2001; 2009; New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, 2003; National Commission on Excellence in Education,1983; Department of Health and Human Services, 1999)
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