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Domains for Implementation
The ICF is a classification system that underlies definition, measurement, and policy formulations in the fields of health and disability. A hybrid of medical and social models of disability, the framework depicts function and disability as interacting factors that relate to the individual, and contextual factors unique to the individual.
The Framework was developed a priori to conduct of the scoping review, using the rehabilitation goals to guide selection of relevant data elements, data collection, collation, and the data reporting process. The following case examples are intended to assist the reader in understanding how the rehabilitation framework is applied and customized care provided for each individual with SCI.
The Consortium began with 37 domains
Then selected 17 domains, and then paired that down to 11 domains
and then decided on 6 domains for implementation
37 Domains
17 Domains
11 Domains
6 Domains
Urinary Tract Infection
Wheeled Mobility
Emotional Well-Being
Defining the Six Aims for Domain Implementation
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