Consortium Collaborators
The Health Standards Organization aims to unleash the power and potential of people around the world who share our passion for achieving quality health services for all. As an NGO based in Ottawa HSO works with leading experts and those with lived experience around the world to develop standards, assessment programs and quality improvement solutions.
Accreditation Canada inspires people around the world to improve outcomes through independent assessments against global standards. Empowered by HSO, and customized to local needs, Accreditation Canada works with more than 900 expert peer surveyors to deliver customized, continuous assessment program.
The Ontario SCI Alliance is co-led by Spinal Cord Injury Ontario and the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (ONF). Together, 250 key provincial stakeholders and strategic partners of researchers, service providers, policy makers, funders and people with spinal cord injury address and resolve systemic barriers in Ontario.
CIHI’s vision and mandate reflect our values of respect, integrity and excellence in providing health care information that improves the health of Canadians.
Our vision: Better data. Better decisions. Healthier Canadians.
Our mandate: To deliver comparable and actionable information to accelerate improvements in health care, health system performance and population health across the continuum of care.
Trillium Health Partners- Kingsway
Harnessing the power of teamwork and partnership, we are committed to providing exceptional care and experience, building capacity, improving quality and safety, and challenging the limits of what is possible for health and the human spirit. Our ten-year strategic plan (2019-2029) supports our foundational goals of Quality, Access & Sustainability.